Tips For create a Strong Passwords
Here are a few tips for how to create a strong password.
- --You can use at least 8 characters long password to secure your account.
- --A dictionary is a dictionary for words that a password should not be determined. They have used somewhere else in another place it never should use a password.
- --It is necessary to determine if the password is at least six characters.
- --Use a different password for your different accounts.
- --Don't use personal information or common words as a password.
- --Use a Mixture of numbers, letters, symbols in your passwords. Like us..
--{Uppercase letters} ---------------------[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H...]
--{Lowercase letters} ----------------------[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,...]
--{Numbers} ---------------------------------[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
--{Symbols} -----------------------[`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\:";'<,>. ? /]
- You can use the space between two characters to create strong passwords.
--Are there any tips to give a copy of it and it will not ever have the same password.
- --Do not use the same passwords for multiple accounts.
- --Do not use your Phone number, Birthdates, Home number, Id card numbers in your passwords.
- --Do not Log in your E-mail Accounts, Social Accounts and Bank Accounts in others Computers, Mobiles And Friends Computers.
- --Do not send your passwords using E-mail, SMS, and many others sharing Apps.
- --Whenever Possible you can Turn on 2-Step Verification on your E-mail to secure your accounts.
- --Do not store and write your password in online cloud storage.
- --Protect your PC using Firewall and Antivirus Software.
- --Don't write your passwords on your computer or desk.
- --The most important thing is staggered change your password. Increasing safety as well as the imagination and memories!
Tips For create a Strong Passwords
Reviewed by SHUBHAM
2:02 PM
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